Monday, December 28, 2009

Star People

Stars have psychic, extra sensory and spiritual sensitivity. Their souls are said to come from everywhere in the universe, all to assist the rebirth of earth. It's also said they're here to topple corrupt systems, shift dimensional consciousness, and bring peace. There are three (four counting cusps) categories of stars, indigo, crystal, and rainbow. All of which I've written about already.

This basically sums up what we are, different (thank God). We are capable of knowing things without ever even being told, and are mature beyond our years. We've chosen specific parents, usually for spiritual growth etc. Well, that's what I read anyway.
Many of us are extremely willing to take on the world and its challenges, molding to it as needed, adapting. All of us are very intuitive, trust our instincts, and struggle socially. We're sensitive to energies and emotions, knowing exactly how to comfort someone and knowing if we're being lied to, manipulated, deceived, or anything of that kind.

Some think that we don't have karma, never having been carnated on Earth before. Untrue, I would know. Rainbows don't have karma, but the other two aren't so lucky. I myself am a magnet for Murphy's Law, karma, and have Luck O' the Irish Gone (horribly) Bad.

We vibrate at a higher frequency than normal people; we're practically a different species. We've got warrior personalities and are "forcing" people by our very presence to wake up and smell the coffee. We're teachers of conscious awareness, and we're passionate and honest about our feelings. Often we're good with technology, it just comes naturally.

Indigos tend to be more aggressive than the others, because of our "purpose" being to break down old traditions and ways of thinking, not peace-making. That'd be the crystals' job. We refuse to let ourselves be constrained by society, and are spiritually aware. We're the ones who shock you into awareness. It's a rude wake-up call. C. Obvious' blog would be the red pill, go ahead and read it.

Anyway, crystals are to teach people love and peace, a bit of a relief after indigos’ fiery tempers and impatience. They struggle less than indigos, but still feel like they don't belong here often times.

Most stars can't function, thanks to the feelings of disconnection, depression, unacceptance etc. Negative energies kill us, in a way. Some lose that fighting spark, just give up. We instinctively seek other stars, and it is difficult in the extreme to find someone else with the same issues. Normally if we try to socialize people just look at us like we're insane. It's maddening.

People always have to label everything, including other people. As I've said, indigos usually end up with the ADD or ADHD diagnosis, and crystals get landed with autism. It's frustrating trying to find out what/who you are when you've got people telling you you're defective in one way or another constantly, a buzzing distraction in the back of our minds. Crystals are basically an updated version, more calm(ing) but nevertheless struggle with issues, think out of the box, and multi-faceted.

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