Alright, crystals, it's now your turn. I know those of you who already know what crystals, indigos, stars, rainbows, and cusps (a cross between indigo and crystal, just found out about them myself) are probably bored with my explanations, but it has to be done, sadly. Crystals are more peacful and sweet than indigos, who prefer to say it like it is and have no patience for bullshit. Anyway, crystals are often known as "Peacemakers" and love water, plants, nature, animals, and often rocks. They're extremely sensetive to the areas around them, and are known to have all the positive aspects of a personality indigos are thought to lack, such as generosity, forgiveness, and being able to show affection. Indigos are usually too proud or angry, and often depressed, to show these. They can detect things such as sound, color, food, chemicals, negative emotions (though that is also highly known in indigos) around them when others cannot. They can often read minds and energies, just as an indigo could. They often wait 'till they're four years old to start speaking, being able to communicate just as effectively to their parents telepathically. Some even do it with their mothers before they're born. As are indigos, they're intuitive and show an understanding of spirituality and healing.
Now, as you've probably figured by now the bottom line of what they are is an (often younger generation) indigo that is softer emotionally, and less prone to "aggressive" behavior.
Sadly, many crystals are diagnosed with autism because of their "abnormal" speaking patterns. That is really just doctors misunderstanding their telepathic abilities and being too numb (see my last post to know what I mean) to actually feel it themselves. We actually all have basic psychic abilities, most people just havn't developed it yet. Crystals and indigos, as well as all the other types I've mentioned, often have developed it at least a little bit. Usually just enough for us to be misunderstood and most times opressed. Most parents of crystals say they have no trouble communicating with their normally silent children--they use a combination of their own form of sign-language, song, and mind-to-mind telepathy to get their points accross. Technically, autistic people don't speak because they live in their own world, disconnected from other people. Crystals are actually the opposite of that. As you've probably figured out, an autistic person would never walk up to someone, sensing they needed it, and performed a kindness of some sort or simply gave a show of affection, like a hug. Crystals're really not as anti-social as they may seem. (Indigos have a similar problem--we struggle with people never understanding us, even when we can completely understand, and empathize them.) Crystals are quite phylosophical and loving, spiritually gifted, etc. Makes me wonder, if parents aren't complaining and no problems have been experienced, why create one? People have a habit of characterizing by the normal standards: defective vs normal. If it's something outside of that, they either classify it as defective or just plain weird, not knowing what to do with it. Even though we are a bit of a rarity, it is very annoying to be misplaced so badly. (yet another reason indigos have a terrible temper)
As far as auras go, crystals (as their name suggests) have an opalescent color auras, while indigos (as our name suggests as well) have an indigo blue color. Also, crystals tend to be obsessed with stones, rocks, crystals (of course) etc. Now, I could go into an explanation of the whole energy-vibration thing, but I don't want to end up boring the living daylights out of everyone. Basically, crystals, stars, rainbows, cusps, and indigos are vibrating at a different rate than the average person and our psychologial being is simply different thanks to that. We don't think the same as everyone else.
As normal as we look, inside we're more connected with our spiritual side and are known to have our heads in the clouds quite a lot. Many have a habit of gazing at the sky, feeling more at home with their mind up there than down here.
It's known that people like us are an important part of the "human evolution" and that our species is moving forward. I agree that it is a good sign that we're finally being recognised, but there will always be normal people out there, we'll always be a little-understood minority. Heck, I may be wrong, but the likelyhood of it is very slim. If you're an indigo, crystal, cusp, or whatever, you know what I mean. For example, in 1965 indigo was added to the human-aura color chart and around the turn of the century crystals began to take over, them being the new generation. But how do we know that indigos just popped up in the 1900s? How do we know there weren't hundreds of us locked up in asylums (misunderstood by the old-school normies) before that, people thinking us insane, or accusing us of whitchcraft? (Depending on the time period you're thinking about, it's very possible we were burnt at the stake for a misinterpretation--especially those of us who show signs of being psychic.) How do we know there hasn't always been an indigo somewhere or other? Heck, maybe we were never noticed because we managed to keep our mouths shut, seeing the mistake others of our kind would make. How do we know we havn't lived side-by-side with crystals and stars as well? Native Americans, before their land was f*cked up by Europeans, were (and still are, if you can find one) very spiritual and thought the white men were dysfunctional. Bit of a clue, don't you think? And they did try to help them, a crystal-like thing to do. And they were sensetive to things around them, it's known that they would (at some point in their lives) have a dream that they were an animal--whatever that animal was, it was their spirit-brother, or their soul-animal (I think I have that right....). If someone didn't have one of those dreams, their family friends etc. would worry about them. White people never had (have) those dreams, unless they're part Indian. Indians thought the white men were insane and or defective. This may not be human evolution, but simply the average public waking up and smelling the coffee. Slowly.
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