Monday, December 28, 2009

Star People

Stars have psychic, extra sensory and spiritual sensitivity. Their souls are said to come from everywhere in the universe, all to assist the rebirth of earth. It's also said they're here to topple corrupt systems, shift dimensional consciousness, and bring peace. There are three (four counting cusps) categories of stars, indigo, crystal, and rainbow. All of which I've written about already.

This basically sums up what we are, different (thank God). We are capable of knowing things without ever even being told, and are mature beyond our years. We've chosen specific parents, usually for spiritual growth etc. Well, that's what I read anyway.
Many of us are extremely willing to take on the world and its challenges, molding to it as needed, adapting. All of us are very intuitive, trust our instincts, and struggle socially. We're sensitive to energies and emotions, knowing exactly how to comfort someone and knowing if we're being lied to, manipulated, deceived, or anything of that kind.

Some think that we don't have karma, never having been carnated on Earth before. Untrue, I would know. Rainbows don't have karma, but the other two aren't so lucky. I myself am a magnet for Murphy's Law, karma, and have Luck O' the Irish Gone (horribly) Bad.

We vibrate at a higher frequency than normal people; we're practically a different species. We've got warrior personalities and are "forcing" people by our very presence to wake up and smell the coffee. We're teachers of conscious awareness, and we're passionate and honest about our feelings. Often we're good with technology, it just comes naturally.

Indigos tend to be more aggressive than the others, because of our "purpose" being to break down old traditions and ways of thinking, not peace-making. That'd be the crystals' job. We refuse to let ourselves be constrained by society, and are spiritually aware. We're the ones who shock you into awareness. It's a rude wake-up call. C. Obvious' blog would be the red pill, go ahead and read it.

Anyway, crystals are to teach people love and peace, a bit of a relief after indigos’ fiery tempers and impatience. They struggle less than indigos, but still feel like they don't belong here often times.

Most stars can't function, thanks to the feelings of disconnection, depression, unacceptance etc. Negative energies kill us, in a way. Some lose that fighting spark, just give up. We instinctively seek other stars, and it is difficult in the extreme to find someone else with the same issues. Normally if we try to socialize people just look at us like we're insane. It's maddening.

People always have to label everything, including other people. As I've said, indigos usually end up with the ADD or ADHD diagnosis, and crystals get landed with autism. It's frustrating trying to find out what/who you are when you've got people telling you you're defective in one way or another constantly, a buzzing distraction in the back of our minds. Crystals are basically an updated version, more calm(ing) but nevertheless struggle with issues, think out of the box, and multi-faceted.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Rainbow People

Rainbows are the "third generation" of the human evolution, indigos having come first, crystals following. Rainbows differ from indigos and crystals in that they have a different aura color, indigos having indigo blue and crystals having an opalescent color. Rainbows, obviously, have a rainbow aura. Unlike their cousins, they're much happier, and have big hearts and are very forgiving. They've got much lighter personalities than crystals, and make indigos look like they have extremely dark personalities.
Very few of them are currently carnated, and are not old souls. They are "born to serve" in a way. Crystals are often their parents and they don't have karma (Luckies...I envy them that.) Also, they bring a healing rainbow energy. The indigos are like a storm, the crystals are the peaceful ending of the storm, and the rainbows are (quite literally) the rainbow after the storm. Rainbows have no fear of anyone, and like their predecessors have large eyes. Unlike their ancestors, they're very trusting. They are also able to "conjure up" anything they want/need at any time. Like crystals and indigos, they are creative and have strong personalities.
It is thought that rainbows are here to complete the final stages of human evolution, topping off the foundation crystals and indigos have built. Of course, the task they're thought to perform is finalizing what we've begun, the indigo's job being to break down the traditional ways of thinking. The crystal's purpose is to begin to build a new way of thinking off of what we (indigos) broke down. Finally, rainbows begin the last stages of building.
As the others, they're psychic and have strong intuition--no effort needed. Supposedly they can go without sleep and food, and they can bend time and become invisible (I cannot tell you how many times I've wished I were invisible...). On the down side, due to their sensitivities they're prone to allergies and rashes, having the need to overcome that. Apparently, sending loving (and other positive) energies towards them will be immensly beneficial to you. You can't out-give a rainbow, because they're a reflection of everything good. Of course, as we indigos (and crystals) are, they're sensetive to color vibrations around them and have telepathic abilities.
The only true difference between rainbow and crystal children is that rainbows have never been carnated before, and so don't face quite the same spiritual struggles. Also, crystals only trust people who've already gained and earned it. Rainbows are all-trusting and loving, no matter if it's a stranger or someone they've known their whole lives. It is said that they're our angels on earth.
Rainbows have much more seretonin than indigos, thanks to sunlight energy. They depend on it much more than indigos and crystals, so much so that when night comes around they can get depressed and have mood swings, carb-cravings, premenstral syndrome, and may wet the bed. It's essential they avoid things that can mess with their seretonin levels, like not exercising, staying indoors too much, and an unhealthful lifestyle. If they drink caffeine in the morning to get themselves going, then drink say alcohol to sedate themselves at night the vicious cycle is destructive for them, and they will suffer from the same depression that has plagued us indigos for so long. They will become dependant on the chemicals, which will make it even worse for them. They require an all-natural lifestyle, lots of sunlight, healthy organic foods, etc. even more so than crystals and indigos. The common use of drugs like Ritalin and Prozac is quite sad, because there are natural means for us/them to raise seretonin levels without depending on artificial shit.
The bands of color in sunlight are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Humans are designed to absorb all the color energy, our auras reflecting it. (Indigos reflect and absorb indigo, the color between blue and violet.) Normally people need all of them to stay happy and lively, and most of us live such corroded lives we don't really absorb anything, which makes me worry what the average aura looks like... The energy, I would say, feels like dirty dishwater that needs to be filtered and cleaned. Without sufficient absorbsion of rainbow light energy, you'll feel down, angry, dead, etc. The more artificial the means of making ourselves feel happy and alive, the more dead and dull we feel. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Some wild animals, like dolphins for example, always seem to be joyous and playful, absoloutely full of life. They emit rainbow energy like humans once did, before technology etc. took over our lives. Note: dolphins are always exposed to sunlight, never corroded by city pollution, and exercise constantly.
Rainbows, unlike crystals and indigos, don't have quite as many social issues. Although they're mature far beyond their years, like indigos and crystals, they've never been on earth before--as far as I know, that's been an advantage for them. They're smart and creative, but don't have anger and temper issues as indigos have. They have much more patience and tolerance, and are more capable of forgiveness. Indigos tend to hold grudges much more so than rainbows.
I was browsing the web recently, and I came across a psychic article--someone'd had a premonition about the all-anticipated year, 2012. It was said that rainbows and stars would "take over" in a sense and global warming would finally settle. Very different from all the negative expectations for that year. But then again, rainbows have very positive energies and it's possible. Hopefully the previous generations' work hasn't gone to waste and it's correct.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Crystal People

Alright, crystals, it's now your turn. I know those of you who already know what crystals, indigos, stars, rainbows, and cusps (a cross between indigo and crystal, just found out about them myself) are probably bored with my explanations, but it has to be done, sadly. Crystals are more peacful and sweet than indigos, who prefer to say it like it is and have no patience for bullshit. Anyway, crystals are often known as "Peacemakers" and love water, plants, nature, animals, and often rocks. They're extremely sensetive to the areas around them, and are known to have all the positive aspects of a personality indigos are thought to lack, such as generosity, forgiveness, and being able to show affection. Indigos are usually too proud or angry, and often depressed, to show these. They can detect things such as sound, color, food, chemicals, negative emotions (though that is also highly known in indigos) around them when others cannot. They can often read minds and energies, just as an indigo could. They often wait 'till they're four years old to start speaking, being able to communicate just as effectively to their parents telepathically. Some even do it with their mothers before they're born. As are indigos, they're intuitive and show an understanding of spirituality and healing.
Now, as you've probably figured by now the bottom line of what they are is an (often younger generation) indigo that is softer emotionally, and less prone to "aggressive" behavior.
Sadly, many crystals are diagnosed with autism because of their "abnormal" speaking patterns. That is really just doctors misunderstanding their telepathic abilities and being too numb (see my last post to know what I mean) to actually feel it themselves. We actually all have basic psychic abilities, most people just havn't developed it yet. Crystals and indigos, as well as all the other types I've mentioned, often have developed it at least a little bit. Usually just enough for us to be misunderstood and most times opressed. Most parents of crystals say they have no trouble communicating with their normally silent children--they use a combination of their own form of sign-language, song, and mind-to-mind telepathy to get their points accross. Technically, autistic people don't speak because they live in their own world, disconnected from other people. Crystals are actually the opposite of that. As you've probably figured out, an autistic person would never walk up to someone, sensing they needed it, and performed a kindness of some sort or simply gave a show of affection, like a hug. Crystals're really not as anti-social as they may seem. (Indigos have a similar problem--we struggle with people never understanding us, even when we can completely understand, and empathize them.) Crystals are quite phylosophical and loving, spiritually gifted, etc. Makes me wonder, if parents aren't complaining and no problems have been experienced, why create one? People have a habit of characterizing by the normal standards: defective vs normal. If it's something outside of that, they either classify it as defective or just plain weird, not knowing what to do with it. Even though we are a bit of a rarity, it is very annoying to be misplaced so badly. (yet another reason indigos have a terrible temper)
As far as auras go, crystals (as their name suggests) have an opalescent color auras, while indigos (as our name suggests as well) have an indigo blue color. Also, crystals tend to be obsessed with stones, rocks, crystals (of course) etc. Now, I could go into an explanation of the whole energy-vibration thing, but I don't want to end up boring the living daylights out of everyone. Basically, crystals, stars, rainbows, cusps, and indigos are vibrating at a different rate than the average person and our psychologial being is simply different thanks to that. We don't think the same as everyone else.
As normal as we look, inside we're more connected with our spiritual side and are known to have our heads in the clouds quite a lot. Many have a habit of gazing at the sky, feeling more at home with their mind up there than down here.
It's known that people like us are an important part of the "human evolution" and that our species is moving forward. I agree that it is a good sign that we're finally being recognised, but there will always be normal people out there, we'll always be a little-understood minority. Heck, I may be wrong, but the likelyhood of it is very slim. If you're an indigo, crystal, cusp, or whatever, you know what I mean. For example, in 1965 indigo was added to the human-aura color chart and around the turn of the century crystals began to take over, them being the new generation. But how do we know that indigos just popped up in the 1900s? How do we know there weren't hundreds of us locked up in asylums (misunderstood by the old-school normies) before that, people thinking us insane, or accusing us of whitchcraft? (Depending on the time period you're thinking about, it's very possible we were burnt at the stake for a misinterpretation--especially those of us who show signs of being psychic.) How do we know there hasn't always been an indigo somewhere or other? Heck, maybe we were never noticed because we managed to keep our mouths shut, seeing the mistake others of our kind would make. How do we know we havn't lived side-by-side with crystals and stars as well? Native Americans, before their land was f*cked up by Europeans, were (and still are, if you can find one) very spiritual and thought the white men were dysfunctional. Bit of a clue, don't you think? And they did try to help them, a crystal-like thing to do. And they were sensetive to things around them, it's known that they would (at some point in their lives) have a dream that they were an animal--whatever that animal was, it was their spirit-brother, or their soul-animal (I think I have that right....). If someone didn't have one of those dreams, their family friends etc. would worry about them. White people never had (have) those dreams, unless they're part Indian. Indians thought the white men were insane and or defective. This may not be human evolution, but simply the average public waking up and smelling the coffee. Slowly.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Indigo People

This needs to be done, and we (I am an indigo as well.) need to be heard. Desperately. I know I am not alone in the fact that I am sick of being glared at like I'm a friggin alien, and being asked idiotic questions about things that seem completely obvious to me, and having to work up a sweat just translating my thoughts into English. Not to mention the editing and making (often futile) attempts to control myself.
Now, to the point. This particular blog is for my fellow indigos, and I will be coming back to us at a later time. Anyway, for those of you who aren't indigos (and yea, if you're not an indigo you NEED to read this) and don't know what the hell I'm talking about, an indigo (and I will explain what crystal, star, and rainbow people are when I get to them, just a heads-up) is a person born with a biological connection to their spirituality. The thing that makes us tick as human beings (or not human, a lot of animals are spiritually sensetive, just saying) is our souls, even if sceptics and scientists deny it. Many of us are so far from being connected with ourselves if you look into the eyes it's like the lights're on but nobody's home. Extremely creepy, I shudder at the thought. Others claim to be up-high when it comes to that, (priests, anyone?) but have the same eery look in their dead eyes. When I say spiritually sensetive, I mean truely spiritually sensetive.
For example, I know someone (you should see her blog, here's the link: who asked a priest, "Have you noticed the closer you get to God, the dirtier you feel?" and he had said, "That might happen with someone who hadn't grown up in a church." Ok, I won't "preach" to you, but if you're really close to God you instinctively compare yourself to him, wether you grew up in a church or not. That will just make you feel like shit on a stick roasted in the summer sun in Texas. That not even being the point, how could a priest be so...numb, if he was supposed to be the closest to God in the whole church? Point made. (If you didn't get it, you need to check your I.Q. and make sure it's a triple digit and not a double.) By the way, I'm not trying to undermine anyone, I'm just trying to make a point.
Many indigos are actually very intelligent, and or creative. But that is not the case 100% of the time, it's just more likely among indigos than...normal people. Technically there is only one true defining thing that sets us apart from the general population, our sensetivity to spriritual (or otherwise) energies and or vibrations. I would know, I can always tell what mood someone is if they're in my immediate area. Almost taste it, even. (It's not a physical taste, I use the word loosely. But every energy and mood and genre has a different "flavor," which is one reason I can't seem to read anything but vampyre novels etc.) We can actually become physically or emotionally ill if the energies around us don't support us or if they simply disagree with us. It's almost like an allergy. (I will be using lots of medaphores and simales, they're the best way for me to communicate.)
We all do have electromagnetic fields and vibrations etc. but we just happen to be sensetive to them and almost feed off them in a way. So far as I've found, sadly, the only people who've been able to completely live off energy in any form got it from the sun. (that means major tanning) But, the sun has a positive feel, always. It's like if you ate a dessert that had just the right balance of sweetness and other flavor, unlike the "happy" energy you normally get from (happy) humans, which would be more like eating a Twinkie with black licorice all over it. Even normal people truely do need the energy from the sun, but you're just not in-tune to the flavor (or feel, if you prefer) of it.
Everyone's field has a different "life" color (or aura) and we're (obviously) sensetive to that as well. Many of us can tell who you really are just by making eye contact. So few people carry the indigo color it wasn't even considered an aura color until 1965. It is also believed that we all have something very important to do in this life, as does everyone else but often the ones who look like they're "not here" never fulfill that. We are also considered to have third-demensional old world energy, if that makes any sense. Which it probably doesn't, since I can barely understand what i just said myself...
Our social lives are very complicated and difficult, school being nearly impossible to deal with. It's hard enough for a normal person to deal with, but when you've got a thousand energies vibrating around you and so many emotions going through people you can't even pinpoint what's coming from who, it gets even more difficult to concentrate. We often have symptoms of ADD or ADHD (and are often diagnosed) when we aren't interested in something. Self-control is damn well near impossible. Most of us realize we're different (and have the feeling we're forgetting to do something important that doesn't involve school--big clue) fairly early (I was out of it until I'd turned 8, before that I was in a mental bubble, daydreaming 24/7--now I daydream most of the time, if I come "down to earth" for even a moment the pain is excruciating) and accept it. But learning to deal with other people takes longer. We are painfully good at empathy, and we always have compassion for anything living, but we have no tolerance for idiocy or patience for "younger" souls. In translation: don't tick one of us off, and if we have enough self-control to warn you before we're out of fuse take us seriously. Please, for your own good. I have lost friends thanks to that, they would just push me too far and I'd snap. (yea, I warned them not to push me) We can also use our brains to manipulate and decieve others to get what we want, and we often only show one side of ourselves. Acting "normal" re-gained me those lost friends, but the minute I even slightly show my true self it turns into yet another fight. We often have anger-management issues, and it can make our lives difficult in the extreme. More on that later, though.
No matter how great our physical lives may be, we're always writhing in pain inside. Self-control being nearly impossible, having a horrid temper, and absoloutely no patience or tolerance for idiocy, and attempting to figure out who, and what often times, we are makes life painful.