Monday, March 8, 2010

Psychic Vampirism part 2

Contrary to popular belief, detaching from a psyvamp you know is not the only means of defense. There are several ways to avoid being fed on, the most common being the finger-interlock technique. You hook you middle fingers and thumbs, making a short of chain shape and envision a solid wall, or white inpenetrable cocoon or egg around yourself. With your mind, picture it becoming rigid and hard. Believing it's working is important. You may also put your hands in front of you, palms facing inward and arms outstreched, fingers overlaping, and do the same mentally. Once you've mastered that you can do it without your hands as a reference.
There are also moving shields, no hand gestures needed if your mind is powerful enough. Focus all of your energy into making your aura sort of like a waterfall around yourself, or you can use the Chaotic shield. A Chaotic shield is always moving, changing color and frequency, appearance and movement. That kind of shield is nearly impossible to penetrate. There's also the Fire shield: you make your energy go outwards like a torch in a way, almost "burning" the attacker.
If a psyvamp attacks another psyvamp, they can use the Active Offensive Shield. Basically one psyvamp attacks the other's aura using their psy-tendrils, but so does their "prey" therefore no energy is lost. There's also the Mirror Shield, it's fairly self-explanatory. It reflects the attack back on the attacker.
Empathetic Shielding is basically blocking out empathy, if you have too much empathy it can drain you in a way, especially if you're around someone who's been traumatized.
Cloaking is useful but very difficult, you have to mask your own energy field. Good luck with that.
Anyway, the more you practice defending yourself the better you'll get at it. Meditation always helps, by the way.
Now I should explain chakras, since they're mentioned so much in research on psyvamps types listed. There are seven of them, each located in a different part of the body, the head, between the eyes, the throat, the heart, the navel, right below the navel, and in the genitals. They are energy centers in the body, each spinning almost like the earth itself. They can spin too fast, be overactive, or spin too slow, underactive.
The Seventh Chakra is the Crown Chakra, the one in the head. It's the self-knowledge and identity center, relates to awareness, consiousness, and our connection to beyond and into the unknown, the spaceless and timeless place of all knowledge. (For those of you who're Christian you could call it the link to God.) When developed it brings wisdom, bliss, spiritual connection, understanding and knowledge etc. If it's spinning too slowly or doesn't spin at all you're lonely, indecisive, and constantly tired. If it spins too fast, you have unrealized power and may be manic depressive, or have psychosis and be frsutrated. At the correct speed you're transcendent, and at peace. It's said to achieve miracles.
The Sixth Chakra is known as the Third Eye Chakra, famously the most heightened in Indigos. It relates to the following: self-reflection, archetypal identity, light, seeing both physically and intuitively, and is an opening for psychic abilities. We see clearly with it, the big picture. If it's balanced (spinning at the right speed) you're charismatic, attuned to psychic phenomenon, and highly intuitive. If it's spinning too slowly (or not at all) you can be Schizophrenic, undisciplined, and have a fear of success. If it spins too fast, you may be too social and arrogant.
The Fifth Chakra, a.k.a. Throat Chakra, source for sound, Creative identity, basically oriented around self-expression. It's main thing is communication and creativity, apparently because we experience the world (symbolically) through vibration, in this case sound or language. If it's spinning too quickly you'll be self-righteous, too talkative, and arrogant. Too slowly and you'll be unreliable, have a stiffled expression, and have shifting views. If it's spinning correctly you're an exellent communicator, content, and inspired artistically.
The Fourth Chakra, or the Heart Chakra, is oriented around self-acceptance, social identity. It's element is air. It's the integrator of opposites of psyche: person and shadow, male and female, ego and unity, etc. Symptoms of it spinning too slowly: feeling of unworthiness to receive love, loves too much, inability to accept love. If it spins too fast: you can be emotionally abusive, possessive, and overdramatic. The correct speed: desire for spiritual experience in lovemaking, compassionate, loves unconditionally.
The Third Chakra--Navel Chakra--is self-definition. Ego. Element: Fire. At correct rotation speed you are uninhibited, personally empowered, and have a respect for yourself and others. Too quickly, and you'll be judgemental, angry, and controlling. If it's too slow you'll be insecure, fearful of being alone, and afraid of what others think.
The Second Chakra, Sacral Chakra, is oriented to self-gratification. Element: Water. Emotional identity. It's located in the abdomen, lower back, sexual organs. Obviously it has a focus for sexuality and emotions. It connects to others with movement, desire, feeling, and sensation. It gives you the ability to accept change, depth and feeling, sexual fulfillment, fluidity and grace. If it's spinning too fast you are manipulative, sexually addicted, and emotionally unbalanced. Too slowly and you are frigid, over-sensitive, impotent, and self-guilty. At the correct speed you are expressive and attuned to your emotions, sexually healthy and creative.
And finally, the First Chakra, or the Root Chakra. Element: Earth. It's your physical identity, your fight or flight response/relfex (whatever you wanna call it). It's at the base of the spine, or genitals. It's our foundation, our survival instincts, our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies. It is completely primal. If this chakra is too slow, or not spinning at all (broken) you are fearful and self-destructive, with low self-esteem. Too quickly and you are materialistic, aggressive, and self-centered. At the right speed you are healthy, grounded, and have high energy.